January 29, 2021
Fellow Patriotic Citizens of the United States of America, I am asking you to join me in demanding an apology from those members of the United States Congress who, by their foolish rhetoric, slandered millions of law abiding American Citizens, and in so doing, endangered the welfare of our great Republic. Congruently, I am asking you to join me in extending a sincere apology to those members of law enforcement charged with protecting our U.S. Capital on January 6th, 2021.
Attached is my eyewitness account of events at our Nation’s Capital on January 6th, 2021. My account is backed by video footage and, along with the accounts of hundreds of others that attended the event, will prove the following:
  • Of those Citizens that attended the event, 99% or better did not enter the U.S. Capital building. We were the overwhelming majority, and we had no intention of entering the Capital building. We did not know that others had entered the building. We did not harm law enforcement persons or any other persons. We did not harm property. We did not take down barricades. We were not aware of an earlier scuffle over the barricades. We came with no intention of crossing police lines. We came only to lawfully raise our voices and make our presence known to those members of Congress that were meeting inside the building. We came to exercise our Constitutional Rights.
  • We were the great mass on the west side of the Capital building (not the 1% or less that entered the building from the east side). We were not part of an early scuffle involving a small group on the west side. We knew nothing about that. We were the great mass that arrived afterwards. We were peaceful. We were attacked without provocation. We were attacked with percussion grenades, gas bombs, and rubber bullets. We did not understand why we were being attacked, but in responding to said attack, we by-and-large sought only to hold our ground because we rightly believed that, as American citizens, we had a right to be there as stated in The Constitution of the United States of America.
Additionally, the above mentioned accounts along with other accounts suggest the following:
  • It is very likely the case that, due to the actions of a relatively few law-breakers that arrived in advance and took down barricades on the west side of the building ahead of the main body; law enforcement, being thus riled, launched an attack on the main body that arrived later. Fortunately for law enforcement, they launched an attack on decent law-abiding Citizens that came armed only with their voices and not armed like Antifa or BLM with bats, bricks, and Molotov Cocktails. Fortunately for us, law enforcement did not shoot us with real bullets.
  • Law enforcement on the west side of the Capital employed a sound system to play battle drums at high volume, a tactic obviously designed by those that live detached from the common people of America. Like a bad idea thought up in a bubble, the battle drums helped set the stage for conflict.
Finally, as the Creator of our unalienable rights would have it, the event has brought out certain self-evident truths:  

Hindsight is 20/20 they say, and if we could have known how things were going to turn out, we Patriots could have sent an advance guard of four or five thousand to stand as a buffer around the Capital building to stop trouble before it could happen. Today, I would like to extend my sincere apology to the men and women of the Capital Police. Unfortunately, we may be heading into a time in which law enforcement and military will have to ask themselves if they are guardians of The Constitution, or guard dogs of corruption. To the Proud Boys, I would like to thank them for protecting innocent Patriots from getting beaten bloody by Antifa and BLM thugs when no one seemed to care, and, I would also like them to know, we are not at war with law enforcement, so please, “Keep your powder dry.” Trust us old guys, we know a thing or two. Finally, to the men and women of Congress, I demand an apology (see the following paragraph).

Where power flows like a flood, so does corruption, and it takes a flood of lies to cover a flood of corruption. And in the aftermath of the event, the fact that members of Congress capitalized on the actions of 1% to brand the other 99% as criminals proves that they are not only skilled, but so accustomed to twisting events into lies for power; they cannot stop and think rationally about what has happened. By their own actions, they proved that, for the sake of power, they are eager to slander and, not only slander, but by such terrible slander, endanger the livelihoods and quite possibly the very lives of millions of American citizens. After the event, four FBI agents dressed in bullet proof vests came to my home. And I understand, they were only doing their job. That said, our Nation has stumbled onto a very dangerous path. My family is no stranger to this tragic path. My Grandfather fought for Germany in WWI. After the war, as a veteran that had served with honor, he was beaten half to death for his stand against fascism. Grandpa then fled in the middle of the night with his wife and children after friends warned that he was marked for death. They fled to Cuba where his daughter, my Mother, married my Father who had come there from Kansas to work for his uncle Hamilton’s small oil company. And then, it happened all over again, a totalitarian take over. My father and mother got out in time, but my aunt got trapped there and had to escape by small boat under cover of night. And the stories she told, of how those that had seized power punished their political enemies not only with cruelty, but with glee, is something that unsuspecting Americans know little about even though it is too often the way of the world. Knowing these stories as a boy, I still have a clear memory of standing alone in the yard of our home in Kansas, looking up to the sky, and thanking God that I lived so deep in the USA. Today, I can understand that members of Congress were shaken up after the event, and that is why I am not asking for their resignation, but rather, that they come to their senses and apologize to the Citizens they slandered, and continue to slander, day in and day out, ever since the event.

Understanding that we are endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable Rights; we lifted His name at the Washington Monument. We praised Him as we went up Constitution Avenue. And at the Capital, as painful ordinance rained down on us, we stood our ground and said His prayer…not a few of us, but a great crush. And in the days and weeks that followed, as members of Congress repeatedly branded us as terrorists; God fearing men and women can only imagine how it might anger God, that those so skilled at slandering one another, have now taken to slandering those that showed courage through faith in Him.

As to be expected, the media enriched themselves by showing those few bad apples again and again, and in doing so, further poisoned our Nation. And of course they will continue, cutting and editing, carefully crafting their poison narratives. They used a handful of bad apples to paint an entire orchard as rotten and, therefore, in need of elimination. Meanwhile, as our Creator would have it, pundits on both sides denounced us and, in doing so, showed us their true colors. They are not about God and Country, but about keeping their positions and security. Even our dear President, who is only a man after all, stood before the wall in Texas and called us a mob. And that too is just as God would have it. For the Creator that endows us with our right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness wants us to know; He alone is our King.


PS: The letter above is part of a package containing three documents. The other two documents are listed below and include links if you would like to read them.

My written eyewitness account of events in Washington DC. 
And all the 7 videos I took of the event, uncut and unedited. 

Not asking for money or votes, but rather, for Patriots to help get the truth out.

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